We’re your go-to financial team. We help guide you to reach your targets.
We Ask
You answer a few questions to help us determine if we’re even able to help you.
We Address
We let you know how we would go about addressing your issues, with you.
We Move Forward
We start helping you get from where you are to where you want to be, together.
What’s your dream for the business? What are the challenges & bottlenecks you’re currently facing? Do you have enough capital to do what you need to do? Have you considered your exit from the business? Any tax issues? What do you need personally from the business? Do you have the right systems in place?
We Meet (Regularly)
Our team analyzes and assesses the financial statements and then we meet on a regular basis to review the results of your business.
Our team prepares a snapshot of the areas that will yield the biggest impact to achieving your goals.
Action Plan
We set objectives to help you get (and stay) on track. You know what steps to take to get closer to your goals, and we walk with you.
You (and the key members of your team) will know exactly what to focus on. You’ll gain clarity and better understand the financial health of your business…and know what to do about it. You won’t be in this by yourself. We’ll be your financial guide. You’ll have access - email & loom support outside of meetings.
"I thought I just needed an ‘accountant’. What I got was a financial guide that helped me gain clarity and head in the right direction. David immediately took the anxiety out of the equation. I was able to lean on their expertise and leveraged a healthy ROI on my investment in their services."
— Avatar Client
Does my business need a CFO?
Our value proposition is based on the belief that if business owner works with a trusted and knowledgeable advisor then they have a better chance of their business succeeding. According to the SBA, half of all businesses don’t make it 5 years. To help with this we do the core CFO functions, but tailor them for small businesses. Tracking revenue, profit & cash flow. Analyzing the strengths & weaknesses of the business. And then proposing corrective actions in the areas that will have the biggest impact. Long way of saying, YES!
What makes you different?
We’re not right for everyone or every business. But those who we’ve been right for have seen results in their business. It all begins with discovering and focusing on your business AND personal goals. While we use the business numbers to help guide you towards decisions, it isn’t just about the numbers. It’s about seeking to understand the comprehensive picture - the health of the business and your personal needs from the business.